“Lost in NYC” by Nadja Spiegelman

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting as much. I will try posting a lot more often. “Lost in NYC” written by Nadja Spiegelman and illustrated by Sergio García Sánchez is a graphic novel about a boy named Pablo. Pablo had just moved to New York City and was feeling a little uneasy about it. He…

“Jane, the Fox and Me” by Fanny Britt

This is a beautifully illustrated picture book aimed for children but middle grade kids can read it too. I usually wouldn’t read a book like this, but when I read it, I actually thought it was real nice and easy read. There is something about the art of a graphic novel or picture book that…

“Counting by 7s” by Holly Goldberg Sloan

“If you’re lost, you might need to swim against the tide.” That’s the first thing that you see on the cover of the book. What does that even mean? Does that make sense just reading this quote? “Counting by 7s” is a young adult novel by Holly Goldberg Sloan. It is a heart filling novel…

“T-Minus the Race to the Moon” by Jim Ottaviani

Space. Space is a really interesting subject. I’ve always been interested in the solar system. The reason it’s so interesting is that there are thousands and thousands of galaxies, and we only seem to know one. We don’t even fully know this entire galaxy! Us humans only have been as far as the moon! “T-Minus…

“Moo” by Sharon Creech

I’m going to be upfront here, Sharon Creech is another one of my favorite authors. The way she writes makes you feel so many emotions, and makes me feel like I am actually a part of the book too! As you may already know, Sharon Creech wrote “Walk Two Moons”, which is one of my…

“Star Girl” by Jerry Spinelli

A book where the main girl was a homeschooler? Give it to me! “Star Girl” by Jerry Spinelli is one of my favorite books. It is about a boy named Leo who is an average 10th grader who just wants to get through high school. Then Stargirl shows up and changes everything. One part I…

“Shadow Spinner” by Susan Fletcher

At first, I was not so sure about this book. I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not. What kept me interested at the beginning of every chapter, there is a little section called, “Lessons for Life in Storytelling.” It would just have a little piece about the main character and her thoughts….

“Where the Mountain Meets the Moon” by Grace Lin

I really love Grace Lin. She is one of my favorite authors. There is something about the way she writes and the way her books are written that is really interesting to me. Grace Lin won a Newberry Honor Award for this book, “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.” The Newberry Honor is a prestigious…

“Spy on History: Victor Dowd and the World War II Ghost Army”

This book isn’t like other books. I know I say that a lot. BUUUUUUUT, the difference is that THIS one is interactive. What does that mean?! Well, the goal of reading this book is to crack the code and help solve the case of what happened to Victor Dowd’s missing sketchbook. Victor Dowd is a…

“Roller Girl” by Victoria Jamieson

Friendship seems to be the theme throughout middle school type books. Why is it that friendship is something that is always brought up? Probably because if you don’t have friends then you are a loner. Or maybe friends are important and have your back and you always have someone to talk to. MAYBE it’s because…